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dependency and plugin updates (Updates to maven plugins and code dependencies)

backups requested to merge vivo-1.11.0-lib-updates into main

Created by: EDemerzel

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dependency and plugin updates

argon2-jvm    2.4.0    2.5.0
junit    4.11.0    4.12.0
icu4j    59.1.0    59.2.0
imageio-jpeg    3.3.2    3.4.2
imageio-tiff    3.3.2    3.4.2
servlet    3.3.2    3.4.2
commons-dbcp2    2.1.1    2.7.0
commons-io    2.5.0    2.6.0
commons-lang3    3.4.0    3.9.0
commons-collections4    4.1.0    4.4.0
mysql-connector-java    5.1.46    8.0.17
jfact    5.0.1    5.0.3
owlapi-api    5.1.1    5.1.11
owlapi-apibinding    5.1.1    5.1.11
httpclient    4.5.3    4.5.10
httpmime    4.5.3    4.5.10
jena-arq    3.11.0    3.12.0
jena-core    3.11.0    3.12.0
jena-sdb    3.11.0    3.12.0
jena-tdb    3.11.0    3.12.0
solr-solrj    7.4.0    8.2.0
freemarker    2.3.23    2.3.29
antisamy    1.5.6    1.5.8
javax.mail    1.6.0    1.6.2
javax.servlet-api    2.5.0    4.0.1
javax.servlet.jsp-api    2.0.0    2.3.3
maven-assembly-plugin    2.5.5    3.1.1
maven-clean-plugin    3.0.0    3.1.0
maven-compiler-plugin    3.8.0    3.8.1
maven-dependency-plugin    2.10.0    3.1.1
maven-deploy-plugin    2.7.0    3.0.0-M2
maven-enforcer-plugin    1.4.1    3.0.0-M2
maven-install-plugin    2.5.2    3.0.0-M1
maven-resources-plugin    2.7.0    3.1.0
maven-surefire-plugin    2.12.4    3.0.0-M3
maven-war-plugin    3.2.0    3.2.3
maven-project-info-reports-plugin    2.9.0    3.0.0
(not a complete list)

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