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Fallback in case of missing most specific type for microformat macro

backups requested to merge bugfix/VIVO-3612 into main

Created by: gneissone

JIRA Issue: Fixes #3612 (closed)

What does this pull request do?

Prevents a Freemarker error encountered in rare cases.

What's new?

Adds blank fallback in case of issue retrieving a most specific type value within the lib-microformats.ftl file.

How should this be tested?

Search an individual's page source for a microformat value, e.g. itemscope itemtype="" before applying change. After applying change, you should still see the microformat value on the page... but it should also prevent a freemarker error from being thrown in case the macro was unable to find a most specific type (for whatever reason...).

Additional Notes:

Unfortunately I don't know exactly why this error is happening... this is more of a band-aid than an actual fix for the core problem, but it doesn't hurt to work around the problem in lieu of investing more time finding the root cause.

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