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[Issue 6] Dynamic API feature store

backups requested to merge 6-dynamic-api-feature-store into main

Created by: ghost

Vitro-angular GitHub issue:

What does this pull request do?

Adds feature store that fetches dynamic API REST Docs on initialization.

What's new?

REST Docs feature store with state, reducer, effects, and selectors.

How should this be tested?

  1. start up vitro with CORS filter and dynamic action n files
  2. npm run start
  3. http://localhost:4200
  4. open developer tools
  5. should see console logs with rest docs as json

anticipating vitro http://localhost:8080/api by default




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  • My PR is small in size (e.g. less than 1,000 lines of code, not including comments & specs/tests), or I have provided reasons as to why that's not possible.
  • My PR doesn't introduce circular dependencies
  • If my PR includes new, third-party dependencies (in package.json), I've made sure their licenses align with the Vitro-angular License.

Merge request reports